The Harm’s Way Foundation® offers an Alternative Funding Program (AFP) for fire departments and other first responders. The program is designed to be a reliable, turnkey fundraising tool provided at NO cost to them. Through a strategic partnership with a fundraising expert, we make fundraising simple with our proven process. We start by reaching out to the local community a fire department serves through a professionally produced direct mail and social media campaign. The Harm’s Way Foundation® is not only able to raise the funds to purchase much-needed equipment and lifesaving tools but in some instances, we’re able to exceed the fundraising goals. One hundred percent of the excess funds are provided to the fire department, after out-of-pocket expense for the printing and mailing of the direct mail campaign, and small administrative fee for the Harm’s Way Foundation who manages the overall program. No outlay of money is required or long hours of project management and accounting work. Simply put, the Harm’s Way Foundation® makes fundraising easy.

Active Causes

A simple 3-step fundraising program helps get much needed equipment to first responders.


Ready-made customized direct mail campaign is circulated to a fire department’s local community.


A customized webpage is created on our site to accommodate online donations through social media, email and other electronic campaign avenues


Personalized graphic banner is designed for each fire department to publish on their own social media accounts and online community bulletin boards.

Designed With First Responders In Mind

To support fire departments with budgetary restrictions, LIFELINE® has established The Harm’s Way Foundation®, a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. The Harm’s Way Foundation® has partnered with Donation Rhino™, an expert in the field of fundraising, to create customized fundraising solutions for Fire Departments across the country.

To learn more, reach out to us at:

Here’s How the Turnkey Program Works

The AFP Provides the Following:
  • Ready-made letter templates for direct mail purposes.

  • Printing and distribution/mailing of the direct mail campaign.

  • An online fundraising counterpart (web page) on the Harm’s Way Foundation’s® website to provide an image(s) of the targeted firehouse and firefighters, and to capture electronic donations.

  • A custom banner for the fire department to publish on their own social media accounts and website.

  • Administration of the electronic and check donations and disbursement of funds.

  • When the fundraiser is complete, tools/gear are shipped directly to the selected fire department plus a check for the surplus funds collected, if applicable.

  • Publication of a certified accounting for each fundraising drive.

What The Fire Department Needs To Do?

Very little.
  • Provide the fire department’s logo

  • Review and approve the customized direct mail letter that the Harm’s Way Foundation® designs for the Chief.

  • Provide any images the fire department would like to include on the fundraising.

  • Reach out to your tax assessors office for a list of residents in your district.

  • Use the social media banners the Harm’s Way Foundation creates for you to expand the reach of the fundraiser.

As a bonus…

The Harm’s Way Foundation® will provide you with an attractive personalized graphic banner to further expand the campaign’s reach in your community. This banner can be posted on the fire department’s social media pages with a link to your Harm’s Way Foundation® donation page. You can also share your banner and fundraising link with your local township for inclusion to monthly direct to resident email communications. And finally, you can post to FREE online community bulletin boards, and news outlets like the

All these additional free resources help to further expand the reach of your fundraiser and its success, at no cost to your organization.

*Our Honest Disclaimer:
The Harm’s Way Foundation’s role is to support and assist each fire department in reaching its goals with our turnkey program. The success of the Alternative Funding Program depends primarily on the engagement and participation of your municipality, the motivation, commitment, and actions of the targeted donors, as well as numerous other factors. While the Harm’s Way Foundation has tremendous success in raising the funds necessary to purchase the equipment identified by your fire department, and often raises surplus funds for your fire department beyond that goal, it cannot predict or guarantee that every fire department will attain a particular result. All fundraiser request forms are subject to review and approval by the the Harm’s Way Foundation. All participants accept and understand that individual fundraising results will differ for each fire department.